I have just come in the door with 2 pizzas, and as you can see Holly is waiting near the food. Normally, I would grab some pizza and high tail it downstairs and Holly will follow
me (
the Alpha dog) very closely at my heels, extra super fast (maybe she thinks I will out run her somehow?). Today was different: I ran downstairs with nothing in my hand (I was going to come back up and grab some pizza in a sec) and I noticed she
did not follow me. That's odd! She always follows me when I do that dash downstairs after food has made it's appearance? I didn't have a plate in my hand tho'...Hmmm, do you think that was how she "knows" that I have food? Could I fool her, if I dashed downstairs with an empty plate? Drum roll...
YES. Haha psych'd you out Holly !
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