I mean, what's with the bedspread made of some type of icky foam or heavy tapestry that also functions as a blanket/comforter? The only other thing you get is a sheet! Why is the temperature control in a hotel so hard? It's either cold as a meat locker or it's amazon jungle warm (Oh and the warmth kicks in when I am sleeping, so I wake up sweating like some kind of farm animal at 2am). Why do we get 10+ drawers? I need like 1 drawer (if that).
You can't have people in your room to visit and chat. If the room has chairs, it has one wingback chair (maybe) and one wooden office chair. Are we going to all sit on the bed? I say get rid of some the drawers to make sitting room! There is no way to sit and play some cards. They always give you a low to the ground coffee table or way to high office style desk.
Where are they buying this one-ply toilet paper? Is it really an area we need to be saving money? My hind quarters says "No". Who needs timered heat lamps in the bathroom? They are often the only source of light and once you start the timer you can't shut them off! Oh joy.
Why do the TVs
still only get a basic set of channels? There is never anything to watch, I am always struggling to find something to watch. Heck I watched a show that is all about a pawn shop buying stuff. A whole reality show based on a pawn shop. I watched it - and liked it. I must of been
really bored!