Dogs can be rude!

Yeah, that's my Holly dog and she is giving me the "You are going to share right?" -look. I wouldn't matter if I have a stalk of celery, she wants some (she wouldn't eat celery, but she wants it anyways). You do feel obligated to share. My dog just patiently stands there like a soldier, never getting bored of waiting for even the slightest taste or morsel. If people did this to other people, it would be considered rude. Oh sure I can try and train her to stand a little further away or go tell her to lie down but then I would feel guilty because I was hungry, and made my self something and she thinks that sounds like a good idea.
This one time I just wasn't in the mood to have her staring me down while I ate some Corn Pops and I honestly couldn't see myself sharing my corn pops (It's a breakfast cereal you put in milk). it was late morning and I decide I am going to pour my Corn Pops & milk into a tall plastic drinking cup and take that, & a spoon downstairs and get some paperwork done. Just as I crack open the box and pour--Holly magically appears (of course). Now I wasn't in the mood but what am I going to do? Where am I going to go to get away? Just then....a single corn pop falls onto the table and I thoughtfly flip it onto the floor for Holly. Well it rolls off and she chases it with all paws pumping like I just shot a gun or some other animal is going to get it. I laugh at the spectacle that is dog paws on slippery kitchen floor. Just then I have a thought..this is my chance to make my getaway with my breakfast and eat in peace. I go running downstairs with my cup and spoon and I can hear scrambling dog paws trying to catch up and see where I am going with that cup of food. I don't go into my usual office I run into the furnace room (before she can see me) and I hide behind the furnace quietly eat my corn pops. I hear the dog looking for me. Dog tags, jingle jingle in my office, dog tags, jingle jingle in the furnace room. Dog tags, jingle jingle upstairs. Dog tags, jingle jingle again in the furnace room.
She never did find me and it was heavenly, eating something in my own house without company. I think I will keep that spot in mind. =)